School Profile

Echuca Primary School first opened in 1858 and was relocated from its original site in 1995 to the current site – nestling between the Campaspe River and the central business district.  The school grounds have been developed extensively and the location at the corner of High and Pakenham Streets is extremely attractive. The school enjoys strong support from parents, school council, staff and local community. Great emphasis is placed on caring for our students, staff and parents by providing an environment that is both safe and secure. The buildings and grounds were specifically designed to meet the school community’s needs with active and passive play areas and provision of shade areas. School facilities include 25 classrooms, Library, Performing Arts Room, Visual Arts Room, Science Room, Canteen and Gymnasium.

The school follows the Victorian Curriculum and offers a seven-year sequential program in each of key learning areas. At Echuca Primary School we integrate ICT into all classrooms to engage students and support their learning. We try to balance the use of ICT with other mediums such as pencils, paper books, etc. but we are also conscious of preparing students for the world in which they are living. We deliver strong cyber safety programs to teach students about online etiquette, cyber-bullying and how to stay safe online. A bring your own iPad program commences in Grade 3.

Echuca Primary School has outstanding student engagement and wellbeing programs. We use the School Wide Positive Behaviours Support Framework to promote positive behaviour and social competence. Expected behaviours are linked to our values and are explicitly taught through classrooms programs. Another program we use to teach personal and social capabilities is the Respectful Relationships Program. This program starts in Prep and includes topics such as emotional literacy, personal strengths, positive coping, problem solving, stress management and help-seeking.

Other programs we offer to make student feel more connected include:

  • Buddy Program
  • Student Leadership Program
  • Breakfast Club Program
  • Camps and Excursions Program
  • Multi-Age activities
  • Drumbeat Program
  • Hands-On Learning Program

Our school also hosts a wide range of special events to enrich the curriculum and make school a fun and exciting place to learn.

Sport is a really important part of our school program and we encourage everyone to participate and have a go. We also support students who excel at sport to compete at zone, regional, state and national levels of competition.