

Information on how to find, enrol, and start a child in your care at a school in Victoria is available on the Victoria Government website.

To enrol your child at Echuca Primary School for Foundation/Prep:

  1. Attend Information Evening
  2. Attend the school tour where we will provide an enrolment pack
  3. Complete our enrolment expression of interest form
  4. Enrolment will be confirmed with a welcome letter/email
  5. Complete enrolment form and supply additional required documents (outlined below).

Required Documents

Required documentation includes:

You will also be required to provide information about:

  • your contact details
  • emergency contact details
  • health information about your child (such as allergies or illnesses they need to manage)
  • other legal orders relating to your child and their welfare (if any)

Prep/Foundation Enrolment

Starting school is an exciting time for children, parents and carers. We want to help make the enrolment process as easy as possible for you.  Each year, the department releases the Foundation (Prep) Enrolment Information Pack for Parents/Carers, with information packs available from the beginning of Term 2 for students commencing foundation/prep the following year. These information packs, and other important information, can be found on the Enrolling in Foundation (Prep) page of the Victorian Government website.

Other Year Level Enrolments

Echuca Primary School is zoned due to the large number of students at the school and the inability to place further classrooms on the site. Preference for enrolment is given to students who reside in our local neighbourhood.

Parents who wish to enrol their child in a Prep grade are exempt from this rule until the yearly enrolment in the Prep area reaches 80. The zoning rule then applies.

Enrolments are achieved by contacting the office and arranging an interview. This enables parents and the enrolment officer to have a conversation regarding the child’s and the school’s needs. All parents are requested to bring along their child’s birth certificate, immunisation certificate and proof of residence to the interview. A $50 (Prep and Grade 3-6) and $60 (Grade 1-2) student requisite charge is paid on enrolment which contributes towards essential education items, activities and services that are essential to support student learning.

For further information and tours please contact the Office (03) 5483 0700 or via email echuca.ps@education.vic.gov.au


New Enrolments

We welcome all enrolment enquiries into Echuca Primary School. We hold tours of the school for any interested families on request. Simply contact the Office to make an appointment time.

The placement of students in Echuca Primary School will be consistent with Department of Education Policy.

The enrolment procedure is held at the general office and is a straight forward interview that generally lasts about 15 mins. We will collect information applicable to the child/ren regarding contact names, medical information, emergency contacts etc.

The following documentation is required at interview:

Original Birth Certificate – if you do not have an original Birth Certificate you will need to apply to the Births, Deaths & Marriages.

Proof of Residency – Evidence such as rates notice or rental receipt.

History of Immunisation

There will be a charge of $50 which is payable on the day of enrolment. Once you have accepted your child’s placement this fee will be receipted to your child’s essential education items for the following school year.

To enrol your child at our school in other year levels, please read the school zone information below.


School Zones

Our school zone is available on findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones.

Students residing in our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address. Our school also has additional capacity available to welcome students who are outside of our school zone. Please contact the school to find out our current availability.

Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.

For more information, you can:


Parent Payments

Under the Department of Education and Training’s Parent Payments Policy, Victorian government schools are required to provide transparent information to their school community on voluntary parent/carer contributions.

The following document outlines the voluntary parent/carer contributions at our school:



Pre School to Primary School

November: Prep teachers visit all local Preschools to talk to children, parents, and kindergarten staff.

Three transition sessions of 1 1/2 hours for Preschool children to experience part of a ‘typical’ school morning and become familiar with school environment.

December: Half day orientation morning at school.

Parent Information Night

January/February: Coffee Morning for new parents on the 1st day of school.

Parent/Teacher Interviews: Discussion on how the children have settled into school life and the progress made i.e. social, physical and educational.


Primary School Grade 6 to Secondary School Year 7

Information booklets from schools distributed to all Grade 6 children:

  • Open nights offered at Secondary Schools.
  • Visits of Grade 6 children to schools.
  • Transition forms completed by Grade 6 teachers.
  • Meetings with Year 7 Co-ordinators from the Secondary Schools.
  • Orientation Day for all Grade 6 children in December.
  • Post Primary schools frequently organise transition activities throughout the year and families are notified of these as they occur.

Whole School Transition

November/December: Three ‘Step Up’ sessions for students to become familiar with their new environment and expectations at the next year.