Victorian Curriculum

The Victorian Curriculum

The Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0 sets out the knowledge and skills that Victorian students need during their first 11 years of schooling to become lifelong learners and confident, active and informed citizens who are prepared to navigate a diverse and changing world.

The Victorian Curriculum F–10 comprises a sequentially-developed continuum of learning. This continuum of learning is expressed through a coherent set of achievement standards, with comprehensive and clear content descriptions that enable teachers to plan, monitor, assess and report on the learning achievement of every student.

The Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0 incorporates much of the Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 but differs in some important respects. Most notably, it represents the curriculum as a continuum of learning and reflects Victorian priorities and standards.

The Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0 consists of:

6 learning areas

The Arts

Health and Physical Education





4 capabilities

Ethical Capability

Critical and Creative Thinking

Intercultural Capability

Personal and Social Capability

3 cross-curriculum priorities

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories & Cultures

Asia & Australia’s Engagement with Asia


3 foundational skills

Digital Literacy



Please visit the Victorian Curriculum F–10 website for more information.